250+ Best and Best Titanic Pick Up Line

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Welcome to the world of pick-up lines, where a well-crafted phrase can work wonders in breaking the ice and capturing someone’s attention. In this article, we are going to dive into the majestic ocean of romance and explore the intricacies of a particularly captivating keyword – the Titanic pick-up line. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or simply looking to spark some conversation, this article is here to help you navigate the art of pick-up lines, with a specific focus on the Titanic theme. So get ready to set sail on a journey filled with clever wordplay, playful banter, and the potential for a love story that rivals that of Jack and Rose.


Funny Titanic Pick Up Line


1. “Are you a life jacket? Because you make my heart float.”
2. “Is your name Rose? Because you make my heart go on.”
3. “Do you have a lifeboat? Because I’m sinking for you.”
4. “Are you a deck of cards? Because you make my heart skip a beat every time I see you.”
5. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again like the iceberg did?”
6. “Is your name Jack? Because I’d let go of any door for you.”
7. “Do you have a life preserver? Because you’re saving me from drowning in your beauty.”
8. “Are you the captain of my heart? Because you steer me in the right direction.”
9. “Do you have a compass? Because you always point me towards happiness.”
10. “Are you a lifeboat drill instructor? Because you’ve got me falling for you in no time.”
11. “Is your name Titanic? Because I’m falling for you faster than this ship sank.”
12. “Do you believe in fate? Because I think we’re destined to float together.”
13. “Are you a Titanic historian? Because you’re making my heart go back in time.”
14. “Do you have a life vest? Because being with you feels like floating on air.”
15. “Is your name Molly Brown? Because you’re unsinkable in my eyes.”
16. “Do you have a life ring? Because I’m drowning in your beauty and need saving.”
17. “Are you a ship’s bell? Because every time I see you, my heart rings.”
18. “Is your name Rose Dawson? Because you’re the heart of my ocean.”
19. “Do you have a lifeboat drill? Because I want to be your emergency contact.”
20. “Are you the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Because you’ve melted my heart.”
21. “Is your name Jack Dawson? Because you’ve painted a masterpiece in my heart.”
22. “Do you have a life vest? Because I’m falling head over heels for you.”
23. “Are you a Titanic survivor? Because you’re the one I’d want to be rescued with.”
24. “Is your name Molly Brown? Because you’re a beacon of light in my life.”
25. “Do you have a lifeboat? Because I’m ready to set sail with you.”
26. “Are you a Titanic historian? Because you’ve captured my heart like a photograph.”
27. “Is your name Rose? Because you’re the diamond that shines in my world.”
28. “Do you have a life preserver? Because I’m lost at sea without you.”
29. “Are you the captain of my heart? Because you have the power to steer me in any direction.”
30. “Is your name Titanic? Because you’ve left an indelible mark on my heart.”
31. “Do you believe in soulmates? Because I think we met in a past life on the Titanic.”
32. “Are you a lifeboat drill instructor? Because you’ve taught me how to fall in love.”
33. “Is your name Jack? Because you’re the art that completes my heart.”
34. “Do you have a life vest? Because being with you feels like floating on a cloud.”
35. “Are you the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Because you’ve shattered all my defenses.”
36. “Is your name Rose Dawson? Because you’re the heart that keeps me afloat.”
37. “Do you have a lifeboat drill? Because I’m ready to be your emergency life partner.”
38. “Are you a Titanic survivor? Because you’re the one I’d want by my side in any storm.”
39. “Is your name Molly Brown? Because you’re the fire that warms my soul.”
40. “Do you have a lifeboat? Because I’m ready to navigate the sea of love with you.”
41. “Are you a Titanic historian? Because you’ve unearthed a treasure in my heart.”
42. “Is your name Rose? Because you’re the rarest and most beautiful flower in my garden.”
43. “Do you have a life preserver? Because you’re the anchor that keeps me grounded.”
44. “Are you the captain of my heart? Because you guide me through life’s turbulent waters.”
45. “Is your name Titanic? Because you’ve left an everlasting impression on my heart.”
46. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I think our paths were meant to cross like the Titanic’s.”
47. “Are you a lifeboat drill instructor? Because you’ve taught me how to love without fear.”
48. “Is your name Jack? Because you’re the missing piece that completes my heart’s puzzle.”
49. “Do you have a life vest? Because being with you feels like a constant state of bliss.”
50. “Are you the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Because you’ve broken through the walls of my heart and flooded it with love.”


Flirty Titanic Pick Up Line


1. “Are you Rose? Because you make my heart go on and on.”
2. “Is your name Jack? Because you’ve definitely drawn me in.”
3. “If I were the iceberg, I would have missed you and let you sail into my heart.”
4. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I feel like we’re meant to be in this ocean of love.”
5. “Are you the ship’s captain? Because you’re steering my heart in the right direction.”
6. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d give up my lifeboat just to be by your side.”
7. “You must be the beautiful sunset that Jack and Rose saw together, because you take my breath away.”
8. “Is your heart as unsinkable as the Titanic? Because I’m falling for you fast.”
9. “I must be a life jacket, because I want to keep you safe and close to me.”
10. “They say the Titanic was the greatest ship of its time, but I think you’re the greatest catch of all.”
11. “Are you a first-class passenger? Because you’re definitely a class above the rest.”
12. “Do you feel the electricity between us? Just like the sparks that flew when the Titanic hit the iceberg.”
13. “If I were the ocean, I’d be willing to drown just to be with you.”
14. “Is your heart as magnificent as the Grand Staircase on the Titanic? Because I’m ready to sweep you off your feet.”
15. “Just like the Titanic, my heart sinks every time I’m not with you.”
16. “Can I be your Jack, and you be my Rose? Together, we’ll create a love story that never ends.”
17. “Are you a passenger in third class? Because you’ve definitely upgraded my life.”
18. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the lifeboat that saves you from the cold and keeps you warm.”
19. “Do you believe in miracles? Because meeting you feels like a miracle on this ship of love.”
20. “Is your smile as radiant as the Titanic’s grand chandeliers? Because it lights up my world.”
21. “They say the Titanic was unsinkable, but my feelings for you are unstoppable.”
22. “Can I be your Jack, and you be my Rose? Together, we’ll make history with our love.”
23. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the wind in your hair, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.”
24. “Are you the Heart of the Ocean? Because you’ve stolen my heart and captured my soul.”
25. “Just like the Titanic, our love story will be remembered for generations to come.”
26. “Do you believe in second chances? Because I’m hoping for a chance to be the one who never lets go.”
27. “If I were the Titanic, I’d be willing to face any storm as long as you’re by my side.”
28. “Is your love as powerful as the Titanic’s engines? Because it’s propelling me towards you.”
29. “If I had a time machine, I’d go back to the Titanic just to find you and make you mine.”
30. “Are you the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Because you’ve completely shattered my heart in the best way.”
31. “Just like Jack and Rose, our love will defy all odds and conquer any obstacle.”
32. “If I were a lifeboat, I’d be honored to be the one to rescue you from a sea of loneliness.”
33. “Is your love as grand as the Titanic’s staircase? Because I’m ready to ascend to new heights with you.”
34. “Are you a life preserver? Because I need you to save me from drowning in your beauty.”
35. “Just like the Titanic, our love will leave a lasting impression that will never fade away.”
36. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the violin playing a melody of love just for you.”
37. “Is your love as deep as the ocean? Because I’m ready to dive in and explore its depths with you.”
38. “Are you a passenger in first class? Because you’re definitely first-class material in my eyes.”
39. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the one to draw you like one of my French girls.”
40. “Is your love as captivating as the view from the Titanic’s bow? Because I can’t take my eyes off of you.”
41. “Just like the Titanic, our love will withstand the test of time and be remembered forever.”
42. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the iceberg that melts away all your worries and fears.”
43. “Are you a survivor of the Titanic? Because you’ve definitely stolen my heart and made it your own.”
44. “Is your love as breathtaking as the moment Jack and Rose met at the grand staircase? Because it’s taken my breath away.”
45. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the life vest that keeps you afloat in a sea of love.”
46. “Are you a passenger in second class? Because you’re definitely second to none in my eyes.”
47. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the moon shining down on you, illuminating your beauty even in the darkest of times.”
48. “Is your love as unforgettable as the Titanic’s tragic tale? Because I’ll never forget the way you make me feel.”
49. “Just like the Titanic, our love will leave a lasting legacy that will be talked about for years to come.”
50. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the hand reaching out to save you from a life without love.”


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Sweet Titanic Pick Up Line


1. “Are you ready to embark on a love story as epic as the Titanic? Because I’m willing to be your Jack if you promise to be my Rose.”

2. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I have a feeling that meeting you is as fated as the Titanic hitting that iceberg.”

3. “If I had a ticket to board the Titanic, I would give it up just to have the chance to be by your side.”

4. “They say the Titanic was unsinkable, but I think our connection is even stronger. Can I be your lifeboat and save you from any loneliness?”

5. “Just like the Titanic, our love story would be remembered for eternity. Can I have the honor of being the one to make your heart sail?”

6. “You must be the captain of my heart because just like the Titanic, you have the power to navigate me towards love and adventure.”

7. “Like the Titanic, our love will be legendary. I promise to hold onto you through the storms of life, just like Jack held onto Rose.”

8. “If we were on the Titanic, I wouldn’t let go of you, just like Jack did with Rose. Can I have the chance to hold onto your heart?”

9. “I may not be Leonardo DiCaprio, but I can promise you a love story as intense and captivating as the one in Titanic.”

10. “You’re the iceberg that melted my heart just like the Titanic. Can I be the one to make your heart melt too?”

11. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be remembered forever. Let’s make our own history together.”

12. “I must be an iceberg because your beauty has me melting just like the Titanic.”

13. “If our love were a ship, I would choose the Titanic because it represents a love that defies all odds and lasts a lifetime.”

14. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be the talk of the town. Can I have the honor of being your first-class passenger?”

15. “I promise not to let go, just like Jack and Rose in Titanic. Can I be your leading man?”

16. “If I were the Titanic, you would be the ocean that surrounds me, guiding me towards an incredible love story.”

17. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be remembered as one of the greatest romances of all time.”

18. “They say the Titanic was a tragedy, but being with you feels like the most beautiful love story I could ever imagine.”

19. “Like the Titanic, our love will be unsinkable. Can I be the one to show you how deep my love runs?”

20. “If my love were a ship, it would be the Titanic because it’s destined to leave a lasting impression on your heart.”

21. “Can I be your Jack to your Rose? Together, we can create a love story that rivals the epic romance of the Titanic.”

22. “If love were a ship, you would be the grand Titanic, and I would be the iceberg that melts your heart.”

23. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Can I be the one to take your heart on this unforgettable journey?”

24. “I must be the Titanic because I’m willing to risk it all just to be with you, my Rose.”

25. “They say the Titanic was a ship of dreams, and meeting you feels like the realization of all my dreams coming true.”

26. “You must be the heart of the ocean because just like the Titanic, you hold the key to my deepest desires.”

27. “Our love will rise above any challenges, just like the Titanic defied all odds and sailed towards destiny.”

28. “Like the Titanic, our love will be remembered for its grandeur and the passion that burned between us.”

29. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be the greatest adventure of our lives. Can I be your partner in this incredible journey?”

30. “If our love were a ship, it would be the Titanic because it’s destined to make waves and leave an everlasting impact.”

31. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a story that captivates hearts and inspires others to believe in true love.”

32. “You must be a first-class passenger because being with you feels like the ultimate luxury, just like the Titanic.”

33. “They say the Titanic was a symbol of love and tragedy, and being with you feels like a beautiful combination of both.”

34. “If I were the Titanic, you would be the stars that guide me towards an extraordinary love story.”

35. “Can I be your Jack to your Rose? Our love will be as timeless and unforgettable as the romance in Titanic.”

36. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a breathtaking masterpiece that leaves everyone in awe.”

37. “Like the Titanic, our love will be a ship that sails through the storms of life and emerges even stronger.”

38. “If we were on the Titanic, I would choose you as my lifeboat because I can’t imagine navigating this journey without you.”

39. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be an adventure that takes us to new depths and heights.”

40. “Can I be the rose that you hold onto, just like Rose did in Titanic? I promise to cherish you forever.”

41. “Like the Titanic, our love will be a story that stands the test of time, defying all odds and expectations.”

42. “If our love were a ship, it would be the Titanic because it’s destined to make history and be remembered for eternity.”

43. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a grand spectacle that leaves everyone in awe.”

44. “They say the Titanic was a ship of dreams, and being with you feels like stepping into a dream come true.”

45. “Like the Titanic, our love will be an epic journey that takes us through highs and lows, but always ends in an everlasting romance.”

46. “Can I be your Jack to your Rose? Together, we can create a love story as unforgettable as the one in Titanic.”

47. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a force to be reckoned with, defying all obstacles that come our way.”

48. “If love were a ship, you would be the grand Titanic, and I would be the iceberg that melts your heart.”

49. “Like the Titanic, our love will leave a lasting legacy. Can I be the one to make your heart sail?”

50. “Just like the Titanic, our love will be a magnificent tale of love and devotion. Can I be the one to write this story with you?”


Clever Titanic Pick Up Line


1. “Are you a lifeboat? Because you’re definitely my salvation in this sea of people.”
2. “Excuse me, but are we on the Titanic? Because I feel like I just hit an iceberg and you’re the only one who can save me from sinking.”
3. “Is your name Rose? Because just like in Titanic, I’d let go of anything for you.”
4. “Do you believe in fate? Because it seems like we were meant to meet on this ‘unsinkable’ ship.”
5. “Are you a first-class passenger? Because being with you feels like the ultimate luxury.”
6. “Do you need a life jacket? Because being with me will make your heart float above the water.”
7. “Is it just me, or are you making this ship feel a lot less ‘doomed’?”
8. “Are you Jack? Because I’d paint you like one of my French girls any day.”
9. “Do you like icebergs? Because I’m pretty sure my heart just melted for you.”
10. “Excuse me, miss, can I be your personal Leonardo DiCaprio for the night?”
11. “Is your heart like the Titanic? Because I have a sinking feeling it’s about to be stolen by me.”
12. “Do you believe in miracles? Because I think I’ve found one in this crowded Titanic.”
13. “Are you a life vest? Because I feel like I’m drowning in your beauty and you’re my only hope.”
14. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Or are you just reenacting the iconic Titanic scene?”
15. “Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes, just like the Titanic in the North Atlantic.”
16. “Are you a lifeboat drill? Because I want to make sure I’m next to you when things get rocky.”
17. “Is this ship sinking, or are you just making my heart feel like it’s about to go under?”
18. “Do you have a life preserver? Because I can’t help but feel like I’m drowning in your beauty.”
19. “Are you a Titanic historian? Because you’ve definitely captured my heart like no one else.”
20. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again like I’m boarding the Titanic?”
21. “Is your name Jack? Because I’m pretty sure I just found my ‘heart of the ocean.'”
22. “Do you have a lifeboat? Because I have a feeling you and I are about to embark on a great adventure.”
23. “Are you the captain of my heart? Because I’m definitely ready to set sail with you.”
24. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I feel like we were meant to meet on this ill-fated ship.”
25. “Is this ship sinking, or is it just me falling deeper in love with you?”
26. “Are you a Titanic survivor? Because you’ve definitely survived the storm in my heart.”
27. “Is your heart like the Titanic’s clock? Because it seems to have stopped the moment I saw you.”
28. “Do you believe in second chances? Because I’d be willing to jump back onto this sinking ship just to be with you.”
29. “Are you a lifeboat escape plan? Because being with you feels like the ultimate way to survive.”
30. “Is this ship haunted? Because every time I see you, my heart starts to sail in uncharted waters.”
31. “Are you a Titanic historian? Because I’d love to explore the depths of your heart with you.”
32. “Do you have a life jacket? Because I feel like I’m about to dive headfirst into your love.”
33. “Is your heart like the Titanic’s grand staircase? Because it’s definitely taking my breath away.”
34. “Are you a passenger on this ship? Because I can’t help but feel like we’re destined to meet.”
35. “Do you believe in love that lasts even after the ship sinks? Because I’m willing to give it a try with you.”
36. “Is your heart like the Titanic’s grand ballroom? Because I can’t help but feel like dancing every time I’m near you.”
37. “Are you a Titanic survivor? Because you’ve definitely sailed into the depths of my heart.”
38. “Do you have a lifeboat? Because I have a feeling you and I are about to set sail on a love that will never sink.”
39. “Is your heart as vast as the Atlantic Ocean? Because I’m ready to dive in and explore its depths with you.”
40. “Are you a Titanic enthusiast? Because I’m definitely ‘unsinkable’ when I’m with you.”
41. “Do you need a life jacket? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s floating above the water.”
42. “Is this ship sinking, or are you just making me fall deeper in love with you?”
43. “Are you the captain of my heart? Because I’d follow you to the ends of the Earth.”
44. “Do you believe in love that withstands any storm? Because I think we’re about to find out on this ‘unsinkable’ ship.”
45. “Is your heart as rare as the Heart of the Ocean? Because I’d give up everything just to hold it in my hands.”
46. “Are you a Titanic enthusiast? Because being with you feels like a never-ending adventure.”
47. “Do you have a life vest? Because I’m about to dive into your love and I don’t want to drown.”
48. “Is this ship sinking, or is it just my heart sinking deeper in love with you?”
49. “Are you a lifeboat? Because being with you feels like the ultimate rescue from this chaotic sea of people.”
50. “Do you believe in love that transcends time and space? Because I feel like we’ve met in a different lifetime, just like on the Titanic.”


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Romantic Titanic Pick Up Line


1. “Are you a lifeboat? Because you’re the only one I want to save from this sinking feeling in my heart.”

2. “Do you believe in destiny? Because I feel like we’re meant to be together, just like Rose and Jack.”

3. “Is your heart an iceberg? Because I’ve been trying to break through the surface and make you mine.”

4. “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but notice that you have the same captivating presence as Rose, and I’d love to be your Jack.”

5. “If I were the captain of this ship, I would make sure our love sails through any storm and never lets go.”

6. “I must be the ocean, because I’m completely swept away by your beauty.”

7. “Is your love like the Titanic? Because it’s making my heart sink and rise at the same time.”

8. “Do you have a life jacket? Because you just took my breath away.”

9. “If we were on the Titanic, I wouldn’t let go of your hand, even if it meant defying all odds.”

10. “I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away, just like the iceberg took the Titanic’s breath away.”

11. “Are you the Heart of the Ocean? Because you’ve stolen my heart and left me breathless.”

12. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the iceberg that melts for you.”

13. “You must be a first-class passenger because every time I see you, you take my breath away.”

14. “I don’t need a lifeboat to save me from drowning in your eyes, just a chance to be with you.”

15. “Is your love story as tragic as the Titanic’s? Because I’d be honored to be a part of it.”

16. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the unsinkable ship, and you’d be my reason to stay afloat.”

17. “Do you believe in soulmates? Because I think we’re meant to cross paths just like Jack and Rose.”

18. “Can I be your Leonardo DiCaprio? Because I’m willing to risk it all for a chance to be with you.”

19. “Are you a passenger on the Titanic? Because you’re the most captivating person on this ship.”

20. “Just like the Titanic, our love story would be legendary and unforgettable.”

21. “Is your heart like the Titanic’s grand staircase? Because I’d climb it every day just to be with you.”

22. “If you were on the Titanic, I’d be the iceberg that would never hurt you, just melt your heart.”

23. “Do you believe in miracles? Because meeting you feels like a once-in-a-lifetime event, just like the Titanic’s maiden voyage.”

24. “Are you the violinist on the Titanic? Because you make my heartstrings play the sweetest melody.”

25. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the lifeboat that never lets go of you.”

26. “Just like the Titanic, our love would be the talk of the town, forever etched in history.”

27. “Are you the Rose to my Jack? Because I’d paint you like one of my French girls.”

28. “If I were a passenger on the Titanic, I’d jump ship just to be by your side.”

29. “Is your love as deep as the ocean? Because I’m diving in headfirst.”

30. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the moonlight guiding your way through the darkest nights.”

31. “Do you believe in second chances? Because just like the Titanic, our love could rise from the depths of the ocean.”

32. “Is your love as mesmerizing as the Titanic’s grand staircase? Because I can’t help but be drawn to you.”

33. “If I were the captain of the Titanic, I would change course just to be closer to you.”

34. “Are you the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Because you’ve completely shattered my heart with your beauty.”

35. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the life preserver that keeps you safe in my arms.”

36. “Do you believe in love at first sight? Because the moment I saw you, my heart started sailing on the Titanic.”

37. “Just like the Titanic, our love would be a tale of passion and devotion that withstands the test of time.”

38. “Is your smile as radiant as the starry night sky on the Titanic’s maiden voyage? Because it lights up my world.”

39. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the life jacket that holds you close and keeps you warm.”

40. “Do you believe in soulmates? Because I think we’re destined to meet, just like Jack and Rose.”

41. “Is your heart like the Titanic’s grand staircase? Because I’d ascend it every day just to be with you.”

42. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the iceberg that melts for your love.”

43. “Do you believe in fate? Because I think our paths were meant to cross, just like the Titanic and destiny.”

44. “Is your love as captivating as the Titanic’s story? Because I can’t help but be drawn to you.”

45. “If I were the captain of the Titanic, I would steer us towards a future filled with love and happiness.”

46. “Are you the Rose to my Jack? Because I’d be honored to be the muse of your heart.”

47. “If we were on the Titanic, I’d be the lifeboat that never lets go of your hand.”

48. “Do you believe in love conquering all? Because just like the Titanic, our love can overcome any obstacle.”

49. “Is your love as deep as the ocean’s abyss? Because I’m ready to dive in and explore every part of you.”

50. “If I were on the Titanic, I’d be the anchor that keeps your heart grounded and safe.”


In conclusion, the “Titanic” pick-up line is a clever and playful way to break the ice and initiate a conversation in a lighthearted manner. By skillfully incorporating a well-known and relatable movie reference into a pick-up line, you can demonstrate your sense of humor and creativity. Remember, the key to successfully using pick-up lines is to deliver them with confidence and sincerity. While they may not always guarantee success, they can certainly spark a smile and create a memorable interaction. So, next time you find yourself in a social setting, why not give the “Titanic” pick-up line a try? You never know, it just might be the start of a beautiful connection!


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