250+ Best and Best Mormon Pick Up Lines

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Welcome to our expert guide on Mormon pick-up lines that are sure to make an impression! Whether you’re new to the dating scene or looking for some clever and delightful icebreakers, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll share a collection of charming and respectful pick-up lines tailored specifically for those who are part of the Mormon community. Our aim is to help you strike up meaningful conversations, foster connections, and potentially find love within the guidelines of your faith. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Mormon pick-up lines and discover the perfect phrase to catch someone’s attention!


Funny Mormon Pick Up Lines


1. “Are you a member of the Quorum of the Twelve? Because you’ve got me feeling all apostolically appointed to be with you.”
2. “You must be a pioneer, because you’ve taken me on a journey to the promised land of love.”
3. “Are you a temple? Because I want to enter your celestial kingdom.”
4. “Are you a CTR ring? Because you have the power to choose my heart.”
5. “Is your name Nephi? Because I’m searching for your heart and soul.”
6. “Are you a hymnbook? Because you’re the melody to my heart’s song.”
7. “You must be an angel, because I’m pretty sure you just descended from heaven.”
8. “Is your name Moses? Because you sure know how to part the sea of my heart.”
9. “Are you a Young Women’s leader? Because you’ve got my values rising.”
10. “Is your dad a bishop? Because you’re definitely a blessing to my life.”
11. “Are you a forger? Because you’ve stolen my heart and sealed it for time and all eternity.”
12. “You must be a Sunday School teacher because you’ve got me studying your every move.”
13. “Do you have a restoration date? Because you’ve restored my faith in love.”
14. “Is your dad a patriarch? Because I can see a future full of blessings with you.”
15. “Are you a missionary? Because I’d love to be your eternal companion.”
16. “Is your name Alma? Because you’ve awakened my soul to righteousness.”
17. “You must be a ward activity because you’ve got me excited to be a part of you.”
18. “Are you the sacrament? Because I can’t imagine my life without you every Sunday.”
19. “Is your name Moroni? Because you’re blowing my trumpet of love.”
20. “Are you a temple recommend? Because I’d gladly pass any interview just to be with you.”
21. “You must have been made from Lamanite gold because you’re worth more than all the riches of the world to me.”
22. “Are you a gospel doctrine class? Because I want to learn everything about you.”
23. “Is your name Beehive? Because you’ve got my heart buzzing with excitement.”
24. “Is your dad a high priest? Because you’ve got me feeling reverent in your presence.”
25. “You must be a ward potluck because you’ve got me hungry for more of you.”
26. “Are you a scripture verse? Because you’ve engraved yourself on my heart.”
27. “Is your name Zion? Because I want to gather with you forever.”
28. “Are you a Relief Society sister? Because you’ve got me feeling blessed and nurtured.”
29. “Is your dad a stake president? Because I’d love to stake my claim on your heart.”
30. “You must be a Young Men’s leader because you’ve got me standing tall in your presence.”
31. “Are you a seminary teacher? Because you’ve got me studying the gospel of love.”
32. “Is your name Helaman? Because you’re leading my heart into battle with love.”
33. “Are you a ward choir? Because you’ve got me singing praises to the heavens for you.”
34. “You must be a ward campout because you’ve got my heart burning with a celestial fire.”
35. “Is your name D&C section 121? Because you’ve been a revelation to my heart.”
36. “Are you a BYU student? Because you’ve got me cheering for you in the game of love.”
37. “Is your dad a bishopric member? Because you’ve got my heart in a sacred council.”
38. “You must be a family home evening because you’ve got me feeling like we belong together.”
39. “Are you a Sunday School presidency? Because you’ve got my heart heading in the right direction.”
40. “Is your name Adam? Because you’re the rib that completes me.”
41. “Are you a temple sealing room? Because I want to be sealed to you for time and all eternity.”
42. “You must be a ward talent show because you’ve got me awestruck by your beauty.”
43. “Is your dad a general authority? Because you’ve got my heart receiving divine guidance.”
44. “Are you a primary teacher? Because you’ve got my heart singing joyful songs of love.”
45. “Is your name Nauvoo? Because being with you feels like a heavenly city.”
46. “You must be a missionary farewell because you’ve got me saying goodbye to all other options.”
47. “Are you a general conference talk? Because you’ve got my heart listening to your every word.”
48. “Is your name Doctrine and Covenants? Because you’ve got me believing in the revelations of love.”
49. “Are you a seminary scripture mastery? Because you’ve got my heart memorizing you for eternity.”
50. “You must be the Iron Rod because you’re leading my heart safely through the mists of love.”


Flirty Mormon Pick Up Lines


1. “Are you a celestial being? Because you light up my world like the stars in the sky.”

2. “Is your name Nephi? Because I’m always willing to go the extra mile for you.”

3. “Are you a golden plate? Because you’re worth searching for.”

4. “Is your heart a temple? Because I want to worship and protect it.”

5. “Are you Moroni? Because you’ve blown your trumpet of attraction right into my heart.”

6. “Are you the Liahona? Because you guide my heart in the right direction.”

7. “Is your smile like the Tree of Life? Because it’s sweet and brings me joy.”

8. “Are you an angel? Because you’ve struck a chord in my heart.”

9. “Is your love like the iron rod? Because I want to hold on to it and never let go.”

10. “Are you a missionary? Because you’ve captured my heart and converted me to love.”

11. “Is your love like the First Vision? Because it’s a revelation in my life.”

12. “Are you the Salt Lake Temple? Because I want to be sealed to you for eternity.”

13. “Are you a pioneer? Because you’ve blazed a trail straight to my heart.”

14. “Is your love like the Garden of Eden? Because it’s paradise to me.”

15. “Are you the Book of Mormon? Because you’re the story I want to read over and over again.”

16. “Is your heart a Zion? Because I want to build my future with you.”

17. “Are you a hymn? Because your voice brings me closer to heaven.”

18. “Is your love like the sacrament? Because it nourishes my soul.”

19. “Are you a temple recommend? Because being with you feels sacred.”

20. “Is your love like the Restoration? Because it’s brought light and truth into my life.”

21. “Are you the Great Salt Lake? Because I’m diving headfirst into your love.”

22. “Is your heart a missionary field? Because I want to spread my love to every corner of it.”

23. “Are you a pearl of great price? Because you’re worth everything to me.”

24. “Is your love like the Word of Wisdom? Because it’s healthy and brings me joy.”

25. “Are you a hymnbook? Because your melody fills my heart with love.”

26. “Is your heart a seminary class? Because I want to study and learn everything about it.”

27. “Are you a temple garment? Because you cover my heart with love and protection.”

28. “Is your love like the Holy Ghost? Because it brings warmth and comfort to my soul.”

29. “Are you a ward member? Because I want to be in your congregation of love.”

30. “Is your heart a temple recommend interview? Because I want to pass every test and be with you.”

31. “Are you a scripture? Because your words of love are engraved in my heart.”

32. “Is your love like fast and testimony meeting? Because it strengthens my faith and love for you.”

33. “Are you a bishop? Because I want to confess my love for you and receive your blessings.”

34. “Is your heart a family home evening? Because I want to create a loving and eternal family with you.”

35. “Are you a temple marriage? Because I want to be sealed to you for time and all eternity.”

36. “Is your love like the sacrament bread? Because it fills me with love and nourishes my soul.”

37. “Are you a priesthood holder? Because I feel your power and love radiating from you.”

38. “Is your heart a church meeting? Because being with you feels like a spiritual experience.”

39. “Are you a hymn of the Restoration? Because your love brings harmony to my life.”

40. “Is your love like a temple open house? Because it’s open and welcoming to all.”

41. “Are you a primary song? Because your love is simple and pure, just like the lyrics.”

42. “Is your heart a mission call? Because I want to serve you with all my heart and soul.”

43. “Are you a temple sealing room? Because I want to be sealed to you and make our love eternal.”

44. “Is your love like the Atonement? Because it’s healing and forgiving, and I want to be a part of it.”

45. “Are you a general conference talk? Because your words of love and wisdom inspire me.”

46. “Is your heart a hymn of gratitude? Because being with you fills me with thanks and appreciation.”

47. “Are you a scripture study? Because I want to dive deep into your love and learn from it.”

48. “Is your love like a temple recommend? Because it grants me access to a higher level of happiness with you.”

49. “Are you a priesthood blessing? Because your love and support give me strength and guidance.”

50. “Is your heart a temple dedication? Because I want to consecrate my love and devotion to you.”


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Sweet Mormon Pick Up Lines


1. “Are you a Mormon angel? Because you’ve surely been sent from above to brighten my day.”

2. “Do you have a map? Because I seem to have lost my way in your beautiful eyes.”

3. “Are you a temple? Because being with you feels like a sacred and holy experience.”

4. “I must be a convert, because you’ve made me believe in love at first sight.”

5. “Is your dad a baker? Because you’re a sweet creation straight from heaven.”

6. “Are you a scripture? Because I can’t seem to get enough of you and your words.”

7. “If you were a hymn, you’d be my favorite one, because your voice is music to my ears.”

8. “I must be a bee, because I’m buzzing with excitement every time I see you.”

9. “Is your name Nephi? Because you’re the captain of my heart and I’ll follow you anywhere.”

10. “Are you a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? Because you’ve got my heart in a spiritual calling.”

11. “Is your name Charity? Because you’ve surely bestowed the purest form of love upon my soul.”

12. “Are you a Liahona? Because you’ve guided me to a path of happiness and fulfillment.”

13. “If you were a temple recommend, I’d be worthy just to be in your presence.”

14. “Can I borrow your scriptures? Because I want to study the gospel of love written in your heart.”

15. “Are you a Sunday sacrament? Because being with you fills me with a sense of peace and renewal.”

16. “Is your name Alma? Because you’ve awakened a deep and abiding love within me.”

17. “If you were a prayer, I’d never stop kneeling because you’re the answer I’ve been seeking.”

18. “Are you a Young Women’s leader? Because you’ve shown me the true value and beauty of virtue.”

19. “Is your smile part of the plan of happiness? Because it surely brings joy to my soul.”

20. “Are you a member of the Relief Society? Because you have a heart full of compassion and love.”

21. “If you were a scripture study, I’d never miss a day because every moment spent with you is enlightening.”

22. “Are you a temple recommend? Because being with you feels like being in the presence of God.”

23. “Is your name Moroni? Because you’ve blown the trumpet of love into my heart.”

24. “Are you a spiritual giant? Because being around you has elevated my soul to new heights.”

25. “If you were a ward activity, I’d never miss one because every moment spent with you is a celebration.”

26. “Are you a member of the Primary? Because you bring out the childlike joy and innocence in me.”

27. “Is your name Zion? Because being with you feels like being in a place of holiness and peace.”

28. “Are you a pioneer? Because you’ve ventured into my heart and claimed it as your own.”

29. “If you were a sacrament hymn, you’d be the melody that resonates in my soul.”

30. “Are you a scripture hero? Because you’ve become my personal inspiration and role model.”

31. “Is your heart a celestial kingdom? Because being with you feels like being in a place of eternal bliss.”

32. “Are you a Sunday School teacher? Because you’ve taught me the most important lesson in life – to love and be loved.”

33. “If you were a temple sealing, I’d want to be eternally bound to you because our love is celestial.”

34. “Are you a member of the Young Men’s program? Because you’ve shown me what it means to have integrity and honor.”

35. “Is your name Doctrine and Covenants? Because you’ve revealed to me the path to true happiness and eternal life.”

36. “Are you a missionary? Because you’ve converted my heart and soul to the gospel of love.”

37. “If you were a hymnbook, I’d never stop singing your praises because you’re a true blessing in my life.”

38. “Are you a seminary graduate? Because you’ve taught me the most important lessons of love and faith.”

39. “Is your name Joseph Smith? Because you’ve restored my faith in the power of love and miracles.”

40. “Are you a temple recommend holder? Because being with you feels like being in a sacred and consecrated place.”

41. “If you were a family home evening, I’d cherish every moment spent with you and our future family.”

42. “Are you a member of the Primary presidency? Because you’ve got my heart in a position of leadership.”

43. “Is your name Elohim? Because being with you feels like being in the presence of a loving Heavenly Father.”

44. “Are you a member of the Relief Society presidency? Because you’ve shown me the true power of sisterhood and service.”

45. “If you were a General Conference talk, I’d never miss a session because your words inspire and uplift me.”

46. “Are you a priesthood holder? Because you’ve shown me the true meaning of priesthood power and love.”

47. “Is your name Book of Mormon? Because your presence in my life is a testament of truth and light.”

48. “Are you a member of the Quorum of the Seventy? Because you’ve got my heart in a position of authority and guidance.”

49. “If you were a temple ceremony, I’d want to be sealed to you for time and all eternity because our love is eternal.”

50. “Are you a member of the Young Women’s program? Because you’ve shown me the true beauty and potential of a daughter of God.”


Clever Mormon Pick Up Lines


1. “Are you a Latter-day Saint? Because you make my heart skip a beat, just like skipping sacrament meeting.”

2. “I must be in the Celestial Kingdom because being with you feels like heaven.”

3. “Are you a pioneer? Because you’ve paved a path straight to my heart.”

4. “Is it just me or are your eyes sparkling brighter than the Salt Lake City Temple lights?”

5. “You must be a Sunday School teacher because you’ve got the key to my heart.”

6. “If you were a hymn, you’d definitely be ‘Love at Home’ because being near you feels like a comforting melody.”

7. “Are you part of the Aaronic Priesthood? Because I’d be honored to hold the priesthood with you.”

8. “Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes, and I need some divine guidance.”

9. “You must be the missing page from the Book of Mormon because I’ve been searching for you my whole life.”

10. “If we were a sacrament prayer, you’d be the bread and I’d be the water, making a perfect combination.”

11. “Are you a temple recommend? Because being with you feels sacred and pure.”

12. “Are you a Young Men’s Personal Progress? Because you’ve definitely made a positive impact on my eternal progression.”

13. “Do you believe in eternal families? Because I can see us sealing our love for eternity.”

14. “If you were a scripture, you’d be Doctrine and Covenants 121:45 because you have the power to make my heart soft.”

15. “Are you an angel? Because being around you feels like a glimpse of heaven.”

16. “Are you a seminary teacher? Because being with you makes me want to learn and grow spiritually.”

17. “Are you a ward choir director? Because you’ve got me singing praises for your beauty.”

18. “Is your name Lehi? Because you’re definitely leading me to the promised land of love.”

19. “Are you a Young Women’s leader? Because you’ve got a way of making me feel inspired and uplifted.”

20. “Are you a Beehive? Because you’ve got me buzzing with excitement whenever I see you.”

21. “If you were a General Conference talk, you’d definitely be President Hinckley’s ‘Standing for Something’ because you stand out from the crowd.”

22. “Are you a temple worker? Because you’ve got me feeling like we’re meant to serve and love each other for eternity.”

23. “Are you a missionary? Because you’ve definitely converted my heart.”

24. “If you were a scripture study, you’d be like the Liahona, guiding me towards happiness and love.”

25. “Are you a member of the Relief Society? Because you’ve got a way of bringing comfort and joy into my life.”

26. “Are you a priesthood holder? Because being with you makes me feel protected and cherished.”

27. “If you were a church calling, you’d definitely be the Young Single Adult leader because you’ve got me feeling young and alive.”

28. “Are you a temple endowment? Because being with you feels like a sacred covenant.”

29. “Do you believe in miracles? Because meeting you feels like a miracle in my life.”

30. “Are you a pioneer handcart? Because I’d gladly walk through any hardship with you by my side.”

31. “If you were a Primary song, you’d definitely be ‘I Am a Child of God’ because being with you makes me feel loved and special.”

32. “Are you a bishop? Because being with you feels like receiving divine guidance and support.”

33. “Are you a scripture hero? Because you’ve definitely become the hero of my heart.”

34. “If you were a Young Women value, you’d definitely be Virtue because you radiate purity and goodness.”

35. “Are you a temple sealing? Because being with you feels like an eternal promise of love.”

36. “Are you a missionary farewell? Because saying goodbye to you would break my heart.”

37. “If you were a church dance, you’d definitely be the Saturday’s Stake Dance because being with you feels like a joyful celebration.”

38. “Are you a Sunday School lesson? Because being with you feels like a spiritual feast for my soul.”

39. “Are you a family history enthusiast? Because being with you feels like discovering a treasure of love and connection.”

40. “If you were a sacrament hymn, you’d definitely be ‘How Great Thou Art’ because being with you feels like witnessing a miracle.”

41. “Are you a temple recommend interview? Because being with you makes me want to live a worthy and righteous life.”

42. “Are you a seminary scripture mastery? Because being with you feels like unlocking the secrets to happiness and love.”

43. “If you were a Sunday School class, you’d definitely be the Gospel Doctrine class because being with you feels like diving deep into truths and knowledge.”

44. “Are you a Young Men’s activity? Because being with you feels like an exciting adventure filled with love and growth.”

45. “Are you a ward council meeting? Because being with you feels like making important decisions that lead to eternal happiness.”

46. “If you were a Primary activity, you’d definitely be the annual Primary program because being with you feels like a celebration of love and joy.”

47. “Are you a Relief Society lesson? Because being with you feels like receiving wisdom and guidance from heavenly sources.”

48. “Are you a priesthood blessing? Because being with you feels like receiving divine healing and comfort.”

49. “If you were a missionary homecoming, you’d definitely be a joyous reunion because being with you feels like coming home to love and acceptance.”

50. “Are you a temple president? Because being with you feels like being in the presence of a righteous and loving leader.”


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Romantic Mormon Pick Up Lines


1. “Are you a Book of Mormon? Because you’ve captured my heart and fill my life with endless inspiration.”

2. “Is your name Nephi? Because I’m willing to go to great lengths to follow you.”

3. “If you were a temple, I would travel to the ends of the earth just to be near you.”

4. “Are you an angel? Because being with you feels like heaven on earth.”

5. “I must be the Jared to your brother of Jared, because you light up my life like glowing stones.”

6. “Is your name Moroni? Because every time I see you, my heart sings praises.”

7. “Do you have a map? Because I’ve been lost in your eyes since the moment we met.”

8. “Are you a hymn? Because your voice is like sweet music to my ears.”

9. “If you were a Sunday School lesson, I would gladly study you for hours.”

10. “Is your name Alma? Because being with you makes my heart soar with joy.”

11. “Are you the Iron Rod? Because I want to hold onto you and never let go.”

12. “If you were a scripture, you would be my favorite verse that I could read over and over again.”

13. “Is your heart like the Liahona? Because it always leads me straight to you.”

14. “Are you a celestial being? Because being with you feels like entering the highest degree of heaven.”

15. “If you were a temple recommend, I would gladly wait a lifetime just to be worthy of you.”

16. “Is your name Abish? Because your presence brings light and truth into my life.”

17. “Are you a pioneer? Because you’ve ventured into my heart and made it your home.”

18. “If you were a sacrament prayer, I would take you into my heart and savor your love.”

19. “Is your smile like the Tree of Life? Because it brings me joy and nourishes my soul.”

20. “Are you a miracle? Because meeting you feels like an answer to my prayers.”

21. “If you were a scripture study guide, I would follow your teachings and apply them to my life.”

22. “Is your name Enos? Because my heart wrestles with joy every time I think of you.”

23. “Are you a hymnbook? Because you bring harmony and peace into my life.”

24. “If you were a temple sealing, I would gladly make eternal promises to be with you forever.”

25. “Is your heart like the Nephite civilization? Because it’s filled with love, righteousness, and faith.”

26. “Are you a testimony? Because being with you strengthens my own belief in love.”

27. “If you were a Sunday School class, I would eagerly attend every lesson just to be near you.”

28. “Is your name Helaman? Because your courage and righteousness inspire me to be a better person.”

29. “Are you a ward activity? Because being with you makes every moment feel like a celebration.”

30. “If you were a scripture story, you would be the one that touches my heart and teaches me about love.”

31. “Is your smile like the First Vision? Because it’s a divine moment that brings light into my life.”

32. “Are you a temple recommend interview? Because being with you makes me strive for worthiness and purity.”

33. “If you were a temple sealing room, I would kneel with you and make sacred promises of eternal love.”

34. “Is your heart like the Nauvoo Temple? Because being with you feels like a glimpse of heaven on earth.”

35. “Are you a priesthood blessing? Because being with you brings me peace and comfort.”

36. “If you were a hymn, you would be the one that resonates in my soul and lifts me closer to God.”

37. “Is your name Ammon? Because you’re a true missionary of love, and my heart gladly converts to you.”

38. “Are you a seminary class? Because being with you helps me grow in faith and knowledge.”

39. “If you were a scripture verse, you would be the one that speaks directly to my heart and gives me hope.”

40. “Is your smile like the Salt Lake Temple? Because it’s a beacon of light that guides me towards love.”

41. “Are you a priesthood holder? Because being with you makes me feel safe and cherished.”

42. “If you were a hymnbook, you would be filled with songs of love and devotion.”

43. “Is your name Joseph Smith? Because you’ve restored my faith in love and opened my heart to miracles.”

44. “Are you a sacrament meeting talk? Because being with you fills my soul with wisdom and inspiration.”

45. “If you were a temple recommend, I would gladly present you to the Lord and commit to a life of love with you.”

46. “Is your heart like the sacred grove? Because being with you feels like a divine encounter.”

47. “Are you a bishop? Because being with you makes me feel guided and protected.”

48. “If you were a hymn, you would be the one that brings tears to my eyes and touches my spirit.”

49. “Is your name Emma Smith? Because you’re the love of my life, and I would do anything for you.”

50. “Are you a celestial kingdom? Because being with you feels like the highest level of joy and happiness.”


In conclusion, Mormon pick-up lines can be a playful and lighthearted way to break the ice and connect with someone who shares your faith and values. Whether you’re at a church event, social gathering, or simply trying to strike up a conversation with a Mormon individual, using these lines can help you initiate a friendly and enjoyable interaction.

It’s important to remember that pick-up lines should always be used with respect and genuine intent. They should never be offensive or disrespectful towards the person you’re trying to engage with. Additionally, it’s crucial to be aware of the context and social setting in which you’re using these lines, as not all situations may be appropriate for such lighthearted banter.

Mormon pick-up lines can serve as an icebreaker, allowing you to showcase your sense of humor and initiate a conversation on common ground. They can create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, making it easier to get to know someone and potentially forge a connection.

However, it’s essential to remember that pick-up lines alone won’t guarantee success in forming a meaningful relationship. Genuine interest, respect, and compatibility are key factors in building a lasting connection with someone, regardless of their religious background. So while Mormon pick-up lines can be a fun tool to break the ice, they should always be accompanied by genuine interest and respect for the person you’re engaging with.

Overall, Mormon pick-up lines can be a playful and enjoyable way to connect with someone who shares your faith and values. Just remember to use them in an appropriate and respectful manner, and always be genuine in your interactions. With these considerations in mind, you may find that these lines can help you initiate conversations and potentially open the door to meaningful connections within the Mormon community.


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