250+ Best Star Trek Pick Up Lines

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Are you a Star Trek enthusiast looking for some out-of-this-world pick-up lines that will truly impress your fellow trekkies?

Well, look no further! In this article, we will be delving into the fascinating realm of Star Trek pick-up lines that are guaranteed to make you the captain of love. Whether you’re a fan of Captain Kirk’s charismatic charm or Spock’s logical approach, we’ve got you covered.

Star Trek Pick Up Lines
Star Trek Pick Up Lines

So, prepare to engage your warp drive as we explore the best Star Trek pick-up lines that will surely set phasers to stunning!

Funny Star Trek Pick Up Lines

1. “Is your name Borg? Because resistance is futile when it comes to my feelings for you.”

2. “Are you a Vulcan? Because you just made my heart live long and prosper.”

3. “Is your name Q? Because you’ve just turned my world upside down.”

4. “Hey, are you a Romulan? Because you make my heart go faster than warp speed.”

5. “Is your name Tribble? Because you multiply my affection for you with each passing second.”

6. “Are you a Ferengi? Because you’ve made me forget the Rules of Acquisition, all I want is you.”

7. “Is your name Data? Because I’m calculating a 99.9% chance that I’m falling in love with you.”

8. “Hey, are you a holodeck? Because being around you feels like my wildest fantasy come true.”

9. “Is your name Seven of Nine? Because you’ve assimilated my heart and resistance is futile.”

10. “Are you a Klingon? Because you’ve conquered my heart with your beauty.”

11. “Is your name Starfleet? Because you have my permission to boldly go wherever you want with me.”

12. “Hey, are you a Trill? Because I can’t get enough of your beautiful symbiosis.”

13. “Is your name Captain Kirk? Because you’ve taken command of my heart.”

14. “Are you a Cardassian? Because you’ve interrogated me with your stunning looks.”

15. “Is your name Voyager? Because I’d travel through the Delta Quadrant just to be by your side.”

16. “Hey, are you a replicator? Because you’re creating a perfect match for my heart.”

17. “Is your name Geordi La Forge? Because you’ve opened my eyes to a love I never knew existed.”

18. “Are you a Ferengi trader? Because I’d give up all my gold-pressed latinum for a chance with you.”

19. “Is your name Tasha Yar? Because you’ve taken my heart on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.”

20. “Hey, are you a Romulan ale? Because you’re intoxicating and I can’t resist you.”

21. “Is your name Captain Janeway? Because you’ve captivated my heart on this journey through love.”

22. “Are you a Vulcan mind meld? Because you’ve connected with my soul in ways I can’t explain.”

23. “Is your name Sisko? Because I want to be your first officer and explore the depths of love with you.”

24. “Hey, are you a tricorder? Because I can’t stop scanning your beauty.”

25. “Is your name Tuvok? Because you’ve made me embrace logic and the illogical feeling of love.”

26. “Are you a Klingon warrior? Because you’ve battled your way into my heart.”

27. “Is your name Scotty? Because you’ve beamed me up to cloud nine with your charm.”

28. “Hey, are you a Vulcan nerve pinch? Because you’ve left me breathless with your beauty.”

29. “Is your name Worf? Because you’ve shown me the honor and strength of true love.”

30. “Are you a Starfleet officer? Because I’d follow you to the ends of the galaxy for a chance with you.”

31. “Is your name Riker? Because you’ve taken command of my heart and I’m ready to join your crew.”

32. “Hey, are you a Vulcan salute? Because you’ve made my heart live long and prosper.”

33. “Is your name Uhura? Because you’ve transmitted a signal to my heart that I can’t ignore.”

34. “Are you a Klingon bat’leth? Because you’ve struck me with love at first sight.”

35. “Is your name Deanna Troi? Because you’ve sensed the deep emotions I have for you.”

36. “Hey, are you a Romulan Warbird? Because you’re making my heart soar to new heights.”

37. “Is your name Chekov? Because you’ve launched a photon torpedo straight into my heart.”

38. “Are you a hologram? Because you’ve projected yourself right into my dreams.”

39. “Is your name Spock? Because you’ve fascinated me with your logical beauty.”

40. “Hey, are you a Klingon opera? Because you’re hitting all the right notes in my heart.”

41. “Is your name Ensign Crusher? Because you’re crushing my heart with your stunning smile.”

42. “Are you a Ferengi rule? Because you’ve made me realize that love is the most valuable commodity.”

43. “Is your name Worf? Because you’ve shown me the honor and strength of true love.”

44. “Hey, are you a Vulcan nerve pinch? Because you’ve left me breathless with your beauty.”

45. “Is your name Wesley Crusher? Because you’ve energized my heart with your presence.”

46. “Are you a Klingon warrior? Because you’ve battled your way into my heart.”

47. “Is your name Scotty? Because you’ve beamed me up to cloud nine with your charm.”

48. “Hey, are you a Vulcan salute? Because you’ve made my heart live long and prosper.”

49. “Is your name Uhura? Because you’ve transmitted a signal to my heart that I can’t ignore.”

50. “Are you a Klingon bat’leth? Because you’ve struck me with love at first sight.”

Flirty Star Trek Pick Up Lines

1. “Is your name Q? Because you’ve definitely caught my attention and I’d love to explore the galaxy with you.”

2. “Are you a Vulcan? Because just looking at you makes my heart race at warp speed.”

3. “Are you a shuttlecraft? Because I’d love to take you for a ride and explore the stars together.”

4. “If I were a Klingon, I’d gladly go to battle for your heart.”

5. “Are you a tricorder? Because you’ve scanned my heart and detected love in every cell.”

6. “Is your name Borg? Because you’ve assimilated my thoughts, and I can’t stop thinking about you.”

7. “Are you a Ferengi? Because you’ve acquired my attention, and I’m willing to trade my heart for yours.”

8. “Is your name Romulan? Because you’re out of this world beautiful and mysterious.”

9. “If you were a holodeck program, you’d be my favorite simulation, because being with you feels so real.”

10. “Is your name Sulu? Because you’ve taken my heart on an exciting adventure.”

11. “Are you a tribble? Because being with you makes my heart multiply with joy.”

12. “Is your name Data? Because you’re the perfect blend of intelligence and beauty.”

13. “If I were the Captain, I’d go to the edge of the universe just to have a chance with you.”

14. “Are you a replicator? Because being around you instantly satisfies all my desires.”

15. “Is your name Seven of Nine? Because you’re the one I’d like to assimilate my heart.”

16. “Are you a time traveler? Because you’ve transported me to a future where we’re together.”

17. “If you were a phaser, you’d stun me with your beauty.”

18. “Is your name Holo-Leeta? Because you’re a holographic vision of perfection.”

19. “Are you a warp core? Because being around you ignites a passionate energy within me.”

20. “If you were a holoprogram, you’d be the one I’d never delete from my heart.”

21. “Is your name Captain Janeway? Because you’re the captain of my heart’s vessel.”

22. “Are you a Dabo girl? Because you’ve won the jackpot of my affection.”

23. “If I were a Ferengi, I’d trade my entire latinum fortune just to be with you.”

24. “Is your name T’Pol? Because your beauty is truly fascinating and logical.”

25. “Are you a photon torpedo? Because you’ve exploded into my life, leaving me breathless.”

26. “If I were a Klingon, I’d gladly duel for the honor of being by your side.”

27. “Is your name Lieutenant Uhura? Because you have a voice that could communicate love across the universe.”

28. “Are you a Trill? Because I’d love to be joined with you in a lifetime of love and adventure.”

29. “If I were a Ferengi, I’d make sure to treasure you like the most valuable latinum.”

30. “Is your name Captain Picard? Because you’ve commanded my heart’s attention.”

31. “Are you a Vulcan? Because your touch is so electrifying, it’s like a mind-meld with my soul.”

32. “If I were a holodeck program, I’d create a simulation of us together, forever.”

33. “Is your name Worf? Because you’ve captured my heart like no warrior ever could.”

34. “Are you a Romulan? Because your beauty is as captivating as a cloaked starship.”

35. “If you were a tricorder, you’d be my ultimate discovery.”

36. “Is your name Deanna Troi? Because you’ve sensed the love in my heart from light-years away.”

37. “Are you a Klingon warrior? Because you’ve conquered my heart with your strength and grace.”

38. “If I were a replicator, I’d create a lifetime supply of love just for you.”

39. “Is your name Geordi La Forge? Because you’ve illuminated my life with your radiant smile.”

40. “Are you a Cardassian? Because you’ve interrogated my heart and it’s confessed its love for you.”

41. “If I were a Ferengi, I’d trade everything in my Rule of Acquisition for a chance to be with you.”

42. “Is your name Tuvok? Because you’ve ignited a fire within me that I can’t suppress.”

43. “Are you a Borg? Because you’ve assimilated my heart, and resistance is futile.”

44. “If I were a holodeck program, you’d be the only setting I’d ever need.”

45. “Is your name Neelix? Because being with you is like discovering a new galaxy of happiness.”

46. “Are you a Cardassian spy? Because you’ve infiltrated my heart and I can’t resist you.”

47. “If I were a Ferengi, I’d make sure to give you the best deal of my heart’s lifetime.”

48. “Is your name Wesley Crusher? Because you’ve crushed my heart with your irresistible charm.”

49. “Are you a Vulcan mind-meld? Because being with you feels like an intimate connection of souls.”

50. “If I were a holoprogram, you’d be the star character in my heart’s story.”

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Sweet Star Trek Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a Vulcan? Because you’ve definitely taken control of my heart, and I’m finding it highly illogical.”

2. “Is your name Q? Because you’ve certainly transported me to another dimension with just one look.”

3. “You must be a Trill, because I can sense a deep connection between us that spans across lifetimes.”

4. “I must be a redshirt, because my heart is racing every time I see you.”

5. “Are you a Borg? Because resistance is futile, and I’m completely assimilated by your beauty.”

6. “Is your name Tribble? Because you’ve multiplied the love in my heart to exponential levels.”

7. “Are you a Ferengi? Because you’ve acquired all my attention and made me forget about the Rules of Acquisition.”

8. “Do you have a cloaking device? Because you’ve disappeared into my thoughts and I can’t stop thinking about you.”

9. “Are you a Klingon? Because I’m willing to go to battle for your affection.”

10. “Is your name Romulan? Because your beauty is definitely out of this world.”

11. “Are you a holodeck simulation? Because being with you feels like a dream come true.”

12. “Is your name Jean-Luc? Because you’ve definitely engaged my heart at warp speed.”

13. “Are you a Starfleet officer? Because you’ve taken command of my heart and I’m ready to follow you anywhere.”

14. “Is your name Data? Because you’ve calculated the perfect equation for love in my heart.”

15. “Are you a Klingon warrior? Because you’ve conquered my heart with your fierce beauty.”

16. “Is your name Deanna? Because you’ve certainly empathized with my emotions and made me fall for you.”

17. “Are you a dilithium crystal? Because you’ve powered up my heart and made it beat faster than ever before.”

18. “Is your name Geordi? Because you’ve certainly opened my eyes to a whole new level of love.”

19. “Are you a Romulan ale? Because being with you is intoxicating and leaves me longing for more.”

20. “Is your name McCoy? Because being around you heals all my wounds and makes me feel complete.”

21. “Are you a warp core breach? Because being near you makes my heart explode with love.”

22. “Is your name T’Pol? Because your presence in my life is highly logical and brings me great joy.”

23. “Are you a phaser? Because you’ve definitely stunned me with your beauty and charm.”

24. “Is your name Scotty? Because you’ve beamed into my heart and I cannae resist your allure.”

25. “Are you a holodeck program? Because being with you feels like a perfect fantasy.”

26. “Is your name Wesley? Because you’ve certainly taken me to new frontiers of love and affection.”

27. “Are you a replicator? Because you’ve created a perfect match for my heart.”

28. “Is your name Seven of Nine? Because you’ve assimilated my heart and resistance is futile.”

29. “Are you a Klingon battle cruiser? Because my heart is under attack and you’re the captain leading the charge.”

30. “Is your name Uhura? Because your voice resonates deep within my heart and fills it with love.”

31. “Are you a tricorder? Because you’ve scanned my heart and found the perfect match.”

32. “Is your name Worf? Because you’ve shown me the true meaning of honor and love.”

33. “Are you a holodeck character? Because being with you feels like stepping into a perfect love story.”

34. “Is your name Odo? Because you’ve shaped-shifted into the missing piece of my heart.”

35. “Are you a Romulan Warbird? Because you’ve entered my heart’s orbit and I can’t escape your gravitational pull.”

36. “Is your name Neelix? Because being with you is a delightful journey filled with love and adventure.”

37. “Are you a phaser rifle? Because you’ve targeted my heart and I surrender to your love.”

38. “Is your name Janeway? Because you’ve taken command of my heart and I’m ready to explore the depths of love with you.”

39. “Are you a holodeck simulation of paradise? Because being with you feels like heaven on Earth.”

40. “Is your name O’Brien? Because you’ve teleported into my heart and I’m forever grateful for your presence.”

41. “Are you a subspace transmission? Because your love reaches me no matter where I am in the galaxy.”

42. “Is your name Guinan? Because being with you feels like being in a timeless space filled with love and wisdom.”

43. “Are you a holographic doctor? Because you’ve mended all the broken pieces of my heart.”

44. “Is your name Tuvok? Because you’ve ignited a Vulcan fire of love within me.”

45. “Are you a Ferengi bartender? Because being with you is the most valuable experience in the entire galaxy.”

46. “Is your name Chekov? Because you’ve discovered the hidden depths of my heart and brought them to light.”

47. “Are you a Klingon opera? Because being with you is a passionate and dramatic experience.”

48. “Is your name Kira? Because you’ve fought your way into my heart and I’m forever captivated by your strength.”

49. “Are you a Bajoran wormhole? Because being with you is a gateway to a love beyond imagination.”

50. “Is your name Sisko? Because you’ve become the center of my universe, and I’d willingly follow you through the stars.”

Clever Star Trek Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a Borg drone? Because resistance is futile when it comes to my attraction to you.”

2. “Is your name Q? Because you have the power to make me feel like the luckiest person in the universe.”

3. “Are you a Vulcan? Because you’ve successfully melted my logical defenses with your beauty.”

4. “Do you believe in parallel universes? Because in every single one, I’m falling for you.”

5. “Are you a holodeck program? Because being with you feels like stepping into a perfect fantasy.”

6. “Is your name Tribble? Because my heart starts multiplying every time I’m around you.”

7. “Are you a starship captain? Because you have the commanding presence to navigate my heart.”

8. “Are you a transporter? Because every time I see you, my heart skips a beat and I’m transported to a state of pure bliss.”

9. “Is your name Jean-Luc? Because you have the power to engage my heart at warp speed.”

10. “Are you a Romulan? Because you’ve cloaked my mind, and now I can’t stop thinking about you.”

11. “Is your name Data? Because you’ve calculated the perfect equation to steal my heart.”

12. “Are you a tricorder? Because you’ve scanned my soul and found the perfect match.”

13. “Is your name Seven of Nine? Because you have the ability to assimilate me into your heart.”

14. “Are you a Klingon warrior? Because you’ve conquered my heart in battle, and I surrender to your love.”

15. “Is your name Sisko? Because you’ve become the captain of my heart’s space station.”

16. “Are you a Ferengi? Because I’m willing to give up all my rules of acquisition just to be with you.”

17. “Is your name Deanna? Because you have the empathic ability to sense how much I want to be with you.”

18. “Are you a phaser? Because when I look into your eyes, I feel a stunning energy that paralyzes me.”

19. “Is your name Geordi? Because you’ve given me a new perspective on love, and I can’t see anything else but you.”

20. “Are you a Cardassian? Because you’ve interrogated my heart and discovered my deepest desires.”

21. “Is your name HoloDoc? Because you’re the remedy to all my lonely nights.”

22. “Are you a Betazoid? Because you’ve telepathically connected with my heart, and I can’t hide my feelings for you.”

23. “Is your name Scotty? Because you’ve beamed into my heart and now I can’t imagine my life without you.”

24. “Are you a Ferengi trader? Because you’ve dealt the perfect exchange of smiles and stolen my heart in return.”

25. “Is your name Tasha? Because you’re the security officer of my heart, and I feel safe and protected when I’m with you.”

26. “Are you a Vulcan mind meld? Because you’ve merged your thoughts with mine, and I can’t help but fall for you.”

27. “Is your name Kes? Because you’re the healer that my heart needs, and being with you brings me endless joy.”

28. “Are you a Klingon disruptor? Because you’ve disrupted my world, and now all I can think about is you.”

29. “Is your name Worf? Because you’ve shown me the honor and loyalty of a true warrior, and I’m ready to fight for your love.”

30. “Are you a replicator? Because my heart can’t help but replicate the feeling of happiness when I’m around you.”

31. “Is your name Janeway? Because you’ve charted a course straight to my heart, and I’m ready to explore this love with you.”

32. “Are you a Tellarite? Because your stubbornness has made me realize that I can’t live without you.”

33. “Is your name Wesley? Because you’re the genius who has unlocked my heart’s true potential.”

34. “Are you a Vulcan nerve pinch? Because when I’m around you, my heart goes into a state of blissful paralysis.”

35. “Is your name Odo? Because you’ve shapeshifted your way into my heart, and now I can’t imagine my life without you.”

36. “Are you a Gorn? Because you’ve slithered your way into my heart, and now I’m defenseless against your charm.”

37. “Is your name Neelix? Because you’ve spiced up my life and brought a taste of love that I never knew existed.”

38. “Are you a Bajoran? Because being with you feels like a spiritual journey that I’m eager to embark on.”

39. “Is your name T’Pol? Because you’ve ignited a Vulcan-like fire in my heart that I can’t extinguish.”

40. “Are you a Starfleet officer? Because you’ve taken command of my heart, and I’m ready to follow you anywhere.”

41. “Is your name Ro? Because you’ve stolen my heart like a skilled pilot maneuvering through asteroid fields.”

42. “Are you a Ferengi bar? Because being with you feels like the perfect happy hour for my heart.”

43. “Is your name Tom? Because you’ve taken me on a thrilling journey through love, and I never want it to end.”

44. “Are you a Qomar? Because your voice is music to my ears, and I can’t resist the melody of your love.”

45. “Is your name Chakotay? Because you’ve become the spiritual guide that my heart has been searching for.”

46. “Are you a Trill symbiont? Because being with you feels like a beautiful union of souls that transcends time.”

47. “Is your name Lwaxana? Because you’re the telepathic connection that my heart desires, and I can’t resist your charm.”

48. “Are you a Ferengi Rule of Acquisition? Because you’ve become the one rule I’m willing to break for love.”

49. “Is your name Tuvok? Because your calm and composed demeanor has captivated my heart, and I’m ready to embrace your love.”

50. “Are you a Starfleet uniform? Because you’ve dressed my heart in love, and I’m ready to explore the final frontier of our relationship together.”

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Romantic Star Trek Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a Vulcan? Because you’ve made my heart live long and prosper.”

2. “Is your name Q? Because you’ve transported me to a whole new dimension of love.”

3. “I must be a Borg, because resistance is futile when it comes to falling for you.”

4. “Did you just beam down from heaven? Because you’re out of this world.”

5. “Are you a tricorder? Because you’ve scanned my heart and found its true desire.”

6. “Is your name Sulu? Because you’ve taken me on a thrilling journey through the stars of love.”

7. “I must be in the holodeck, because you’re the perfect hologram of my dreams.”

8. “Are you a Klingon? Because you’ve conquered my heart with your fierce beauty.”

9. “Is your name Uhura? Because your voice is music to my ears.”

10. “I must be a redshirt, because my heart is pounding every time I see you.”

11. “Are you a Romulan? Because you’ve cloaked my heart in mystery and intrigue.”

12. “Is your name Worf? Because you have the strength and honor that I admire.”

13. “I must be a tribble, because I can’t stop purring with delight when I’m around you.”

14. “Are you a transporter? Because you’ve transported me straight into the depths of love.”

15. “Is your name Scotty? Because you’ve beamed me up to cloud nine.”

16. “I must be a phaser, because you’ve set my heart to stun with your beauty.”

17. “Are you a Ferengi? Because you’ve acquired my heart and it’s priceless to me.”

18. “Is your name Data? Because you’ve unlocked the emotions within me.”

19. “I must be a starship, because you’re the captain that guides my heart.”

20. “Are you a Cardassian? Because you’ve captured my heart and I’m your willing prisoner.”

21. “Is your name Geordi? Because you’ve shown me a whole new way of seeing love.”

22. “I must be a Klingon battle cruiser, because my heart is fully armed and ready for you.”

23. “Are you a Vulcan mind meld? Because you’ve connected with my thoughts and desires.”

24. “Is your name McCoy? Because you’ve healed my heart with your love.”

25. “I must be a holodeck program, because I can’t believe someone as amazing as you exists in real life.”

26. “Are you a photon torpedo? Because you’ve exploded into my life and left me breathless.”

27. “Is your name Seven of Nine? Because you’ve assimilated my heart and I can’t resist you.”

28. “I must be a Klingon warrior, because I’m ready to battle for your love.”

29. “Are you a Romulan ale? Because you’ve intoxicated my heart with your charm.”

30. “Is your name Janeway? Because you’re the captain of my heart’s ship.”

31. “I must be a trill symbiont, because I want to be joined with you for eternity.”

32. “Are you a Vulcan nerve pinch? Because you’ve left me weak in the knees with your beauty.”

33. “Is your name Spock? Because you’ve fascinated me with your logical approach to love.”

34. “I must be a Ferengi merchant, because I’m willing to trade everything for your heart.”

35. “Are you a Starfleet uniform? Because you make my heart race at warp speed.”

36. “Is your name Riker? Because you’ve made me want to boldly go where no one has gone before.”

37. “I must be a replicator, because you’re the only thing I want to create in my life.”

38. “Are you a Klingon opera? Because you’ve touched my heart with your melodious love.”

39. “Is your name T’Pol? Because your beauty is as mesmerizing as the stars.”

40. “I must be a warp core breach, because you’ve set my heart on fire.”

41. “Are you a Ferengi rule of acquisition? Because you’ve made me realize that love is the greatest profit.”

42. “Is your name Neelix? Because you’ve spiced up my life with your love.”

43. “I must be a shuttlecraft, because I’m ready to take you on a romantic journey.”

44. “Are you a Romulan disruptor? Because you’ve disrupted my heart and I can’t resist you.”

45. “Is your name Odo? Because you’ve shaped-shifted into the perfect form of love.”

46. “I must be a Borg drone, because I’m assimilated by your love.”

47. “Are you a Vulcan mind meld? Because you’ve merged our hearts and thoughts as one.”

48. “Is your name Tuvok? Because your love is as steady and reliable as a Vulcan’s logic.”

49. “I must be a Starfleet officer, because I’m ready to explore the depths of love with you.”

50. “Are you a Klingon bat’leth? Because you’ve swept me off my feet with your fierce love.”

In conclusion, if you are a Star Trek enthusiast looking to add some intergalactic charm to your dating game, these keyword-targeted Star Trek pick-up lines are sure to catch the attention of your potential romantic interest. By incorporating clever references to iconic characters, phrases, and even futuristic technology from the beloved sci-fi franchise, you can break the ice with a touch of geekiness and humor.

Remember, the key to successfully using pick-up lines is to deliver them with confidence, a genuine smile, and a respectful attitude. While these Star Trek pick-up lines may serve as conversation starters, it is important to read the situation and adapt accordingly. Not every line will work in every scenario, so be prepared to gauge the other person’s interest and respond accordingly.

Additionally, it is crucial to remember that pick-up lines should never be used as a means to objectify or disrespect others. Consent and mutual interest are vital in any interaction, and it is important to prioritize the other person’s comfort and boundaries.

In the vast universe of dating, a well-crafted Star Trek pick-up line can be a playful way to connect with fellow Trekkies or introduce someone new to the wonders of the Star Trek universe. So, boldly go forth, embrace your inner Captain Kirk or Lieutenant Uhura, and may these pick-up lines help you navigate the celestial depths of love and companionship!

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