250+ Best Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy

Get 200+ creative and unique Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy for cultures include American, Indian, Japanese and Greek. Not just that you will get access to free AI powered cat or pet names generator by customising the region and theme.

Welcome to the wonderful world of pet naming, where we believe that every furry friend deserves a name that is as unique and special as they are. If you’re a proud cat parent and also happen to be a space enthusiast, we have just the article for you. In this guide, we will explore a celestial theme that is sure to make your feline companion shine brighter than the stars themselves. Get ready to embark on a cosmic journey as we present you with a handpicked selection of cat names inspired by the wonders of astronomy. From celestial bodies to famous astronomers, these names are not only out of this world but also reflect the beauty and mystery that lies beyond our Earthly realm. So, whether you have a playful tabby or an elegant Siamese, get ready to find the perfect name that will make your cat’s personality twinkle with cosmic charm.

American Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy


1. Luna – Derived from the Latin word for “moon,” this name represents the celestial body that orbits the Earth.
2. Orion – Named after the constellation known for its distinct shape, this name symbolizes strength and power.
3. Nova – Meaning “new” in Latin, this name is perfect for a cat that brings light and excitement into your life.
4. Vega – A star in the constellation Lyra, this name represents brightness and beauty.
5. Nebula – Referring to the interstellar cloud of dust and gas, this name signifies the cat’s mysterious and ethereal nature.
6. Apollo – Named after the Greek god of the sun, this name represents vitality and energy.
7. Celeste – Derived from the Latin word for “heavenly,” this name reflects the cat’s angelic qualities.
8. Aries – Inspired by the zodiac sign, this name symbolizes courage and determination.
9. Cassiopeia – Named after the constellation, this name represents the cat’s regal and majestic demeanor.
10. Lyra – Inspired by the constellation known as the lyre, this name signifies the cat’s musical and melodious nature.
11. Nova – Meaning “new” in Latin, this name represents the cat’s ability to bring fresh energy into your life.
12. Gemini – Inspired by the zodiac sign, this name is perfect for a playful and mischievous cat.
13. Stella – Derived from the Latin word for “star,” this name represents the cat’s radiant and shining personality.
14. Andromeda – Named after the galaxy, this name signifies the cat’s adventurous and independent spirit.
15. Leo – Inspired by the zodiac sign, this name symbolizes bravery and leadership.
16. Aurora – Derived from the Latin word for “dawn,” this name represents the cat’s beauty and grace.
17. Sirius – Named after the brightest star in the night sky, this name signifies the cat’s brilliance and intelligence.
18. Phoenix – Inspired by the mythical bird that rises from the ashes, this name represents the cat’s ability to overcome challenges.
19. Perseus – Named after the constellation, this name symbolizes the cat’s heroic and courageous nature.
20. Callisto – Inspired by one of Jupiter’s moons, this name represents the cat’s strength and resilience.
21. Lyra – Named after the constellation, this name signifies the cat’s playful and lively personality.
22. Vega – Derived from the Arabic word for “falling vulture,” this name represents the cat’s swift and agile movements.
23. Apollo – Named after the Greek god of the sun, this name symbolizes the cat’s vibrant and energetic nature.
24. Luna – Inspired by the moon, this name represents the cat’s mysterious and enchanting qualities.
25. Orion – Named after the constellation, this name signifies the cat’s majestic and powerful presence.
26. Nova – Derived from the Latin word for “new,” this name represents the cat’s ability to bring excitement and change.
27. Cassiopeia – Named after the constellation, this name symbolizes the cat’s regal and elegant demeanor.
28. Lyra – Inspired by the constellation known as the lyre, this name represents the cat’s musical and harmonious nature.
29. Andromeda – Named after the galaxy, this name signifies the cat’s adventurous and independent spirit.
30. Sirius – Derived from the brightest star in the night sky, this name represents the cat’s brilliance and intelligence.


Indian  Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy


1. Astra (Sanskrit: “star”) – for a cat that shines brightly like a star
2. Chandra (Sanskrit: “moon”) – for a cat with a calm and serene personality
3. Nakshatra (Sanskrit: “constellation”) – for a cat that is mysterious and captivating
4. Tara (Sanskrit: “star”) – for a cat that brings light and guidance into your life
5. Surya (Sanskrit: “sun”) – for a cat that radiates warmth and energy
6. Rahu (Sanskrit: “eclipse”) – for a cat that is enigmatic and has a dark side
7. Prithvi (Sanskrit: “earth”) – for a cat that is grounded and connected to nature
8. Aryaman (Sanskrit: “sun”) – for a cat that is noble and regal
9. Bhaskara (Sanskrit: “luminous”) – for a cat that is bright and intelligent
10. Divya (Sanskrit: “divine”) – for a cat that is ethereal and enchanting
11. Jyoti (Sanskrit: “light”) – for a cat that brings joy and positivity into your life
12. Megha (Sanskrit: “cloud”) – for a cat that is soft and fluffy like a cloud
13. Ravi (Sanskrit: “sun”) – for a cat that is playful and full of energy
14. Varuna (Sanskrit: “god of the sky and water”) – for a cat that is graceful and has a calming presence
15. Anila (Sanskrit: “wind”) – for a cat that is quick and agile
16. Diti (Sanskrit: “sky”) – for a cat that is independent and free-spirited
17. Indra (Sanskrit: “god of thunder and rain”) – for a cat that is powerful and confident
18. Krittika (Sanskrit: “star”) – for a cat that is sharp and observant
19. Mitra (Sanskrit: “friend”) – for a cat that is loyal and affectionate
20. Neelam (Sanskrit: “sapphire”) – for a cat with beautiful blue eyes like a precious gem
21. Pushya (Sanskrit: “nourishing”) – for a cat that is caring and nurturing
22. Raka (Sanskrit: “full moon”) – for a cat that is elegant and graceful
23. Soma (Sanskrit: “moon”) – for a cat that is gentle and soothing
24. Upendra (Sanskrit: “sibling of Indra”) – for a cat that is mischievous and playful
25. Vayu (Sanskrit: “wind”) – for a cat that is lively and always on the move
26. Yama (Sanskrit: “god of death”) – for a cat that has a mysterious and intense aura
27. Aruna (Sanskrit: “dawn”) – for a cat that is full of energy and brings a new beginning
28. Chitra (Sanskrit: “painting”) – for a cat with unique and beautiful markings
29. Hamsa (Sanskrit: “swan”) – for a cat that is graceful and elegant
30. Mihira (Sanskrit: “sun”) – for a cat that is radiant and brings warmth to your heart


Japanese Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy


1. Hoshi (星) – Meaning “star”
2. Luna (月) – Meaning “moon”
3. Akihiro (秋弘) – Meaning “vast autumn”
4. Kōsei (光星) – Meaning “shining star”
5. Hikari (光) – Meaning “light”
6. Tsukiyo (月夜) – Meaning “moonlit night”
7. Akari (明かり) – Meaning “brightness”
8. Hoshiko (星子) – Meaning “star child”
9. Sora (空) – Meaning “sky”
10. Kaguya (輝夜) – Meaning “radiant night”
11. Hoshimi (星美) – Meaning “beautiful star”
12. Yozora (夜空) – Meaning “night sky”
13. Taiyō (太陽) – Meaning “sun”
14. Hikaru (光る) – Meaning “to shine”
15. Amane (天音) – Meaning “heavenly sound”
16. Hoshizora (星空) – Meaning “starry sky”
17. Risa (理沙) – Meaning “sands of reason”
18. Akatsuki (暁) – Meaning “dawn”
19. Shizuka (静か) – Meaning “quiet”
20. Subaru (昴) – Meaning “pleiades”
21. Hikage (日影) – Meaning “sunlight”
22. Kōzō (構造) – Meaning “structure”
23. Amaterasu (天照) – Meaning “shining in heaven”
24. Yūhi (夕陽) – Meaning “evening sun”
25. Kira (吉良) – Meaning “shining”
26. Hoshiyo (星夜) – Meaning “starlit night”
27. Mizuki (美月) – Meaning “beautiful moon”
28. Soraishi (空石) – Meaning “sky stone”
29. Shun’ichi (俊一) – Meaning “quick one”
30. Hoshizuki (星月) – Meaning “star and moon”


Greek Cat Names Inspired By Astronomy


1. Orion – Named after the prominent constellation, meaning “hunter” in Greek.
2. Lyra – Inspired by the constellation Lyra, representing the lyre of Orpheus.
3. Andromeda – The name of a constellation and a princess in Greek mythology, meaning “ruler of men.”
4. Draco – Derived from the constellation Draco, meaning “dragon” in Greek.
5. Selene – Named after the Greek goddess of the moon.
6. Apollo – Inspired by the Greek god of the sun, light, and music.
7. Callisto – Named after one of Jupiter’s moons, meaning “most beautiful” in Greek.
8. Athena – Inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare.
9. Helios – Derived from the Greek god of the sun.
10. Atlas – Named after the Titan who held up the celestial spheres in Greek mythology.
11. Pandora – Inspired by the first woman in Greek mythology, meaning “all-gifted.”
12. Perseus – Named after the Greek hero who slayed Medusa, meaning “destroyer.”
13. Gaia – Inspired by the Greek goddess of the Earth.
14. Sirius – Named after the brightest star in the night sky, meaning “glowing” in Greek.
15. Hestia – Inspired by the Greek goddess of the hearth and home.
16. Eos – Named after the Greek goddess of the dawn.
17. Hermes – Inspired by the Greek god of travel, commerce, and communication.
18. Rhea – Named after the Titaness who was the mother of the gods in Greek mythology.
19. Pegasus – Inspired by the winged horse in Greek mythology.
20. Astraea – Named after the Greek goddess of justice and innocence.
21. Zephyr – Inspired by the Greek god of the west wind.
22. Calypso – Named after the nymph in Greek mythology, meaning “she who conceals.”
23. Eros – Inspired by the Greek god of love and desire.
24. Nereus – Named after the ancient Greek sea god.
25. Phoebe – Inspired by the Titaness associated with the moon in Greek mythology.
26. Castor – Named after one of the twin brothers in Greek mythology, meaning “beaver.”
27. Althea – Inspired by the Greek goddess of healing.
28. Triton – Named after the son of Poseidon, associated with the sea in Greek mythology.
29. Pallas – Inspired by the epithet given to Athena, meaning “brandisher” or “spear-shaker.”
30. Seleneia – A unique combination of Selene and Gaia, representing the moon and the Earth in Greek mythology.


In conclusion, if you are a proud cat owner and a space enthusiast, finding the perfect cat name inspired by astronomy can be a delightful way to pay homage to the vast wonders of the universe. Whether you choose a name that reflects the beauty of celestial bodies like Luna or Orion, or opt for a name that captures the mystique of space exploration like Stardust or Nebula, the possibilities are endless. Remember to consider your cat’s personality and characteristics when selecting a name, and most importantly, choose a name that resonates with you and your feline companion. So, go ahead and embark on this cosmic journey of naming your beloved cat with an astronomical twist, and watch as their unique name becomes a conversation starter and a reflection of their stellar personality. Happy naming!

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